How to build the right startup culture that your employees love!

Do we LOVE our work? Or how do we BETTER help our teammates love our work?
Employees spend at least nine hours a day in their office and we are not even counting the time when they have to stay back late. With such long hours, it’s crucial that they like their companies and the culture. After all, any company or business is only as good as its employees.
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What differentiates a good company to work for is how they treat their employees. Good companies focus on making their employees feel included and instilling a sense of belongingness in them, instead of pure work machines. One of the simplest ways of reinforcing a positive work culture is through company merchandise.
What is Branded Merchandise?
Branded Merchandise is any products that carry your company’s logo or slogan. T-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, cups, bags, hats, journals, pens, stickers — everything can turn into branded merchandise.
Image via Pinterest
With branded merchandise, your startup can improve your overall brand awareness and visibility inexpensively, and also help in internal branding and creating a positive work culture.

How Can Merchandise Help In Create A Positive Work Culture?

Have you ever noticed photos of team-building activities from big companies? They all feature employees in branded merchandise. Why’s that? Because branded merchandise helps promote a positive work culture.

1. Merch acts as a unifying force

Every company is built on certain principles and values. Customized merchandise better connects your employees to your company’s vision and unifies the team.
Image via Borneo Post
Not sure if it works? Just look around. Marvel fans love to flaunt their character t-shirts and wear them to movies and Comic Con events. Manchester United fans love to sport the team’s jersey every time the team is playing.
These fans become brand ambassadors themselves because they want to identify with the fandom. You can use the same principles to increase brand loyalty among your employees.

2. Merch adds an element of fun to your workplace

Merchandise showcases the company’s values but that doesn’t mean it’s all serious. If your brand has a quirky sense of humour, flaunt it with your merchandise. It’s a great opportunity to unleash your creativity and showcase how much fun you can have with your brand.
Image via Glowingimg
Witty taglines, funky designs, and bold colours are just of the ways you can have fun with your merchandise. Some light-hearted humour on your merchandise can leave your staff with a small at the end of a long day.

3. Merch can boost your employee morale

Appreciation and rewards go a long way in motivating employees. It can drive them to work harder. Companies can reward their employees with premium merchandise to show that their hard work hasn’t gone noticed. It’s a tiny gesture that can reinforce good company culture.
Branded merchandise can be surprisingly effective in bringing employees together. Need ideas to build out your company culture? Get in touch with us at Simple Pickle. With our merchandise, we promise your employees will look forward to coming to work a little more!
Simple Pickle: Here to help startups build the right people culture and brand awareness through merchandise – ordering merchandise has never been simpler!


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